The Proper way to Maintain your Air Conditioners

The filters, coils and the fins of the air conditioner need to be maintained properly in order to ensure that the AC works well throughout the year. Failure to maintain all these things properly could result in the air conditioner failing to give the right amount of cooling. Also a unit which isn’t properly maintained tends to get old and decrepit much earlier. The experts at air conditioning Toowoomba outline ways in which you can maintain your air conditioner.

  • In order to ensure that the air conditioner provides proper cooling you need to clean the filters on a regular basis. If the filters are clogged with dirt and debris they wouldn’t allow for the proper flow of air. The dirt in the filters could also directly enter the coil of the air conditioner. This in turn would impair the coils ability to absorb the heat properly. The unit won’t provide the desired cooling and would eventually need to be replaced. Contact a professional Toowoomba air conditioning company for all service needs.
  • Filters are of two kinds, reusable and replaceable ones. You need to make sure which kind of filters are installed in your unit. Reusable filters generally need to be cleaned and then again put to use. It is quite easy to clean the filters. All you need to do is put the dirty filters under a running tap water. Clean filters can improve the efficiency of the unit by almost 10 to 15%. This can help save up on the utility bills as well.

  • Also keep in mind that the air conditioner coils need to be properly maintained as well. Though a clean filter would help prevent the coil from collecting dirt, it would still eventually get dirty over a period of time. The evaporator coil should be evaluated on a yearly basis. Also outdoor condenser coils tend to get dirtier much faster and therefore need more maintenance. This means that the dryer vents should be kept dry and the fallen leaves and other debris must be kept away from the condenser as much as possible.
  • Also the aluminium fins around the coil tend to bend over time. This reduces the efficiency of the unit. There is a product known as a fin comb which can help straighten the fins. You can either do this on your own or get it done by a professional as well.
  • Also ensure that the condensate drains of the unit aren’t clogged with dirt or debris. This would cause the water to fall inside the unit and into your home instead of draining outside. If you notice water entering the unit on the inside, it’s time to ensure that the drains are unclogged.
  • Also room air conditioners should be placed in rooms with a window seal. This would minimise the loss of cooling to the outside and the unit doesn’t have to work as hard. Also installing a ceiling fan can help regulate the air.